PACKAGE NAME: ufraw-0.15-i686-62.1.tgz PACKAGE LOCATION: ./extra/xap PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 1141 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 2830 K PACKAGE REQUIRED: atk,bzip2,cairo,cxxlibs,exiv2,expat,fontconfig,freetype,gcc,gcc-g++,gimp,glib2,gtk+2,lcms,libjpeg,libpng,libtiff,pango,pixman,xcb,xcb,zlib PACKAGE CONFLICTS: PACKAGE SUGGESTS: PACKAGE LIBS: PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: ufraw: ufraw ufraw: ufraw: A utility to read and manipulate raw images from digital cameras ufraw: It can be used by itself or as a GIMP or CinePaint plug-in ufraw: It reads raw images using Dave Coffin's raw conversion utility DCRaw ufraw: It supports basic color management using Little CMS, ufraw: allowing the user to apply color profiles ufraw: ufraw: ufraw: ufraw: