This is the LPMud 3.1.2 driver, patched for Linux ------------------------------------------------- This is a >QUICK< port of LPMud 3.1.2 to linux. I fixed only compiling problems because I use a patched and particaly rewritten gamedriver myself, which works only with a my spezial mudlib. So I ported the orginal driver for peoples who don't know much abount 'normal'-C (i.e not LPC) and for the peoples asking for it on c.o.l. I heard about an other patched gamedriver for linux, but I didn't find it, so here's my version. I work with an SLS 0.98p5 distribution with updated kernel to 0.99p1. To compile type make. I had to insert some '#ifndef linux'. But it works fine. Get an 3.0 mudlib, like '8.tar.Z' and make the nessessery filename changes, if you are using a not-extended filesystem. Or get 'lplib8.tar.Z', which is my changed '8.tar.Z'-mudlib for linux normal filesystems. Please don't tell me about bugs. They are comming from the unfinished library. Please don't tell Lars about bugs too. He finished coding on lpmud. (I think ...) Thanks to Michael Hauber ( for helping me. CHANGES to orginal lpmud.3.1.2.tar.Z : -------------------------------------- - lint.h inserted some #ifndef's - interpret.h " - simulate.h " - comm1.c " - access.check.c " 11.93.92 - Amir Guindehi EMail :