[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/FCO/Cro-HTTP-Session-Red.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/FCO/Cro-HTTP-Session-Red) NAME ==== Cro::HTTP::Session::Red - Plugin for Cro to use Red as session manager SYNOPSIS ======== ```perl6 # service.pl use Cro::HTTP::Log::File; use Cro::HTTP::Server; use Routes; use Red; $GLOBAL::RED-DB = database "SQLite", :database("{%*ENV}/test.db"); $GLOBAL::RED-DEBUG = so %*ENV; User.^create-table: :if-not-exists; UserSession.^create-table: :if-not-exists; try User.^create: :name, :email, :password("1234"); my Cro::Service $http = Cro::HTTP::Server.new( http => <1.1>, host => %*ENV || die("Missing CLASSIFIED_HOST in environment"), port => %*ENV || die("Missing CLASSIFIED_PORT in environment"), application => routes(), after => [ Cro::HTTP::Log::File.new(logs => $*OUT, errors => $*ERR) ] ); $http.start; say "Listening at http://%*ENV:%*ENV"; react { whenever signal(SIGINT) { say "Shutting down..."; $http.stop; done; } } # lib/Routes.pm6 use Cro::HTTP::Router; use Cro::HTTP::Session::Red; use Red; model UserSession { ... } model User is table { has UInt $!id is serial; has Str $.name is column; has Str $.email is column{ :unique }; has Str $.password is column; has UserSession @.sessions is relationship{ .uid } method check-password($password) { $password eq $!password } } model UserSession is table does Cro::HTTP::Auth { has Str $.id is id; has UInt $.uid is referencing{ User.id }; has User $.user is relationship{ .uid } is rw; } sub routes() is export { route { before Cro::HTTP::Session::Red[UserSession].new: cookie-name => 'MY_SESSION_COOKIE_NAME'; get -> UserSession $session (User :$user, |) { content 'text/html', "

Logged User: $user.name()

"; } get -> 'login' { content 'text/html', q:to/HTML/;
HTML } post -> UserSession $session, 'login' { request-body -> (Str() :$email, Str() :$password, *%) { my $user = User.^load: :$email; if $user.?check-password: $password { $session.user = $user; $session.^save; redirect '/', :see-other; } else { content 'text/html', "Bad username/password"; } } } } } ``` DESCRIPTION =========== Cro::HTTP::Session::Red is a Plugin for Cro to use Red as session manager. You can create any custom Red model to store the Cro session, but its id must be a Str and the generated session string will be used as the id. AUTHOR ====== Fernando Correa de Oliveira COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE ===================== Copyright 2019 Fernando Correa de Oliveira This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the Artistic License 2.0.