params <- list(my_css = "css/rmdformats.css") ## ----include = FALSE---------------------------------------------------------- knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>" ) ## ----setup, class.source="scroll-100", warning = FALSE, message = FALSE------- # Primary Packages # library(tcplfit2) library(tcpl) # Data Formatting Packages # library(data.table) library(DT) library(htmlTable) library(dplyr) library(stringr) # Plotting Packages # library(ggplot2) library(gridExtra) ## ----example1, warning=FALSE-------------------------------------------------- # tested concentrations conc <- list(.03,.1,.3,1,3,10,30,100) # observed responses at respective concentrations resp <- list(0,.2,.1,.4,.7,.9,.6, 1.2) # row object with relevant parameters row = list(conc = conc, resp = resp, bmed = 0, cutoff = 1, onesd = .5,name="some chemical") # execute concentration-response modeling through potency estimation res <- concRespCore(row, fitmodels = c("cnst", "hill", "gnls", "poly1", "poly2", "pow", "exp2", "exp3", "exp4", "exp5"), conthits = T) ## ----echo=FALSE--------------------------------------------------------------- htmlTable::htmlTable(head(res), align = 'l', align.header = 'l', rnames = FALSE , css.cell = ' padding-bottom: 5px; vertical-align:top; padding-right: 10px;min-width: 5em ') ## ----example1 plot, fig.height = 4.55, fig.width = 8-------------------------- # plot the winning curve from example 1, add a title concRespPlot2(res, log_conc = TRUE) + ggtitle("Example 1: Chemical A") ## ----example2_load, warning=FALSE--------------------------------------------- # read in the data # Loading in the level 3 example data set from invitrodb data("mc3") head(mc3) ## ----example2, warning=FALSE-------------------------------------------------- # determine the background variation # chosen as logc <= -2 in this example but will be assay/application specific temp <- mc3[mc3$logc<= -2,"resp"] bmad <- mad(temp) onesd <- sd(temp) cutoff <- 3*bmad # select six chemical samples. Note that there may be more than one sample processed for a given chemical spid.list <- unique(mc3$spid) spid.list <- spid.list[1:6] # create empty objects to store results and plots model_fits <- NULL result_table <- NULL plt_lst <- NULL # loop over the samples to perform concentration-response modeling & hitcalling for(spid in spid.list) { # select the data for just this sample temp <- mc3[is.element(mc3$spid,spid),] # The data file stores concentrations in log10 units, so back-transform conc <- 10**temp$logc # Save the response values resp <- temp$resp # pull out all of the chemical identifiers and the assay name dtxsid <- temp[1,"dtxsid"] casrn <- temp[1,"casrn"] name <- temp[1,"name"] assay <- temp[1,"assay"] # Execute curve fitting # Input concentrations, responses, cutoff, a list of models to fit, and other model fitting requirements # is set to true so that all models will be fit regardless of cutoff # bidirectional = FALSE indicates only fit models in the positive direction. # if using bidirectional = TRUE the coff only needs to be specified in the positive direction. model_fits[[spid]] <- tcplfit2_core(conc, resp, cutoff, = TRUE, fitmodels = c("cnst", "hill", "gnls", "poly1", "poly2", "pow", "exp2","exp3", "exp4", "exp5"), bidirectional = FALSE) # Get a plot of all curve fits plt_lst[[spid]] <- plot_allcurves(model_fits[[spid]], conc = conc, resp = resp, log_conc = TRUE) # Pass the output from 'tcplfit2_core' to 'tcplhit2_core' along with # cutoff, onesd, and any identifiers out <- tcplhit2_core(model_fits[[spid]], conc, resp, bmed = 0, cutoff = cutoff, onesd = onesd, identifiers = c(dtxsid = dtxsid, casrn = casrn, name = name, assay = assay)) # store all results in one table result_table <- rbind(result_table,out) } ## ----example 2 fit results---------------------------------------------------- # shows the structure of the output object from tcplfit2_core (only top level) str(model_fits[[1]],max.lev = 1) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- str(model_fits[[1]][["hill"]]) ## ----example2 plot1, fig.height = 9, fig.width = 7---------------------------- grid.arrange(grobs=plt_lst,ncol=2) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- htmlTable::htmlTable(head(result_table), align = 'l', align.header = 'l', rnames = FALSE , css.cell = ' padding-bottom: 5px; vertical-align:top; padding-right: 10px;min-width: 5em ') ## ----example2 plot2----------------------------------------------------------- # plot the first row concRespPlot2(result_table[1,],log_conc = TRUE) + ggtitle(paste(result_table[1,"dtxsid"], result_table[1,"name"])) ## ----example3_init, fig.height = 6, fig.width = 7, message=FALSE, warning = FALSE---- # Loading in the Level 0 example data set from invitrodb data("mc0") data.table::setDTthreads(2) dat <- mc0 ## ----echo=FALSE--------------------------------------------------------------- htmlTable::htmlTable(head(dat[wllt=='t',]), align = 'l', align.header = 'l', rnames = FALSE , css.cell = ' padding-bottom: 5px; vertical-align:top; padding-right: 10px;min-width: 5em ') ## ----example3_cndx, class.source="scroll-100", fig.height = 6, fig.width = 7, warning=FALSE---- # Order by the following columns setkeyv(dat, c('acid', 'srcf', 'apid', 'coli', 'rowi', 'spid', 'conc')) # Define a temporary replicate ID (rpid) column for test compound wells # rpid consists of the sample ID, well type (wllt), source file, assay plate ID, and # concentration. nconc <- dat[wllt == "t" , ## denotes test well as the well type (wllt) list(n = lu(conc)), #total number of unique concentrations by = list(acid, apid, spid)][ , list(nconc = min(n)), by = acid] dat[wllt == "t" & acid %in% nconc[nconc > 1, acid], rpid := paste(acid, spid, wllt, srcf, apid, "rep1", conc, sep = "_")] dat[wllt == "t" & acid %in% nconc[nconc == 1, acid], rpid := paste(acid, spid, wllt, srcf, "rep1", conc, sep = "_")] # Define rpid column for non-test compound wells dat[wllt != "t", rpid := paste(acid, spid, wllt, srcf, apid, "rep1", conc, sep = "_")] # set the replicate index (repi) based on rowid # increment repi every time a replicate ID is duplicated dat[, dat_rpid := rowid(rpid)] dat[, rpid := sub("_rep[0-9]+.*", "",rpid, useBytes = TRUE)] dat[, rpid := paste0(rpid,"_rep",dat_rpid)] # For each replicate, define concentration index # by ranking the unique concentrations indexfunc <- function(x) as.integer(rank(unique(x))[match(x, unique(x))]) # the := operator is a data.table function to add/update rows dat[ , cndx := indexfunc(conc), by = list(rpid)] ## ----echo=FALSE--------------------------------------------------------------- # tcplConf(user="_dataminer", pass="pass", db="invitrodb", drvr="MySQL", host="") ## ----example3_mc2, fig.height = 6, fig.width = 7------------------------------ # If no adjustments are required for the data, the corrected value (cval) should be set as original rval dat[,cval := rval] # Poor well quality (wllq) wells should be removed dat <- dat[!wllq == 0,] ##Fitting generally cannot occur if response values are NA therefore values need to be removed dat <- dat[!,] ## ----echo=FALSE--------------------------------------------------------------- htmlTable::htmlTable(head(tcpl::tcplMthdList(3)), align = 'l', align.header = 'l', rnames = FALSE , css.cell = ' padding-bottom: 5px; vertical-align:top; padding-right: 10px;min-width: 5em ') ## ----example3 normalize------------------------------------------------------- # calculate bval of the median of all the wells that have a type of n dat[, bval := median(cval[wllt == "n"]), by = list(apid)] # calculate pval based on the wells that have type of m or o excluding any NA wells dat[, pval := median(cval[wllt %in% c("m","o")], na.rm = TRUE), by = list(apid, wllt, conc)] # take pval as the minimum per assay plate (apid) dat[, pval := min(pval, na.rm = TRUE), by = list(apid)] # Calculate normalized responses dat[, resp := ((cval - bval)/(pval - bval) * 100)] ## ----echo=FALSE--------------------------------------------------------------- htmlTable::htmlTable(head(tcpl::tcplMthdList(4)), align = 'l', align.header = 'l', rnames = FALSE , css.cell = ' padding-bottom: 5px; vertical-align:top; padding-right: 10px;min-width: 5em ') ## ----example3_get_bmad.and.onesd---------------------------------------------- bmad <- mad(dat[cndx %in% c(1, 2) & wllt == "t", resp]) onesd <- sd(dat[cndx %in% c(1, 2) & wllt == "t", resp]) ## ----example3_fitting, fig.height = 6, fig.width = 7-------------------------- #do tcplfit2 fitting myfun <- function(y) { res <- tcplfit2::tcplfit2_core(y$conc, y$resp, cutoff = 3*bmad, bidirectional = TRUE, verbose = FALSE, = TRUE, fitmodels = c("cnst", "hill", "gnls", "poly1", "poly2", "pow", "exp2", "exp3", "exp4", "exp5") ) list(list(res)) #use list twice because data.table uses list(.) to look for values to assign to columns } ## ----example3_fitting_full, eval=FALSE, echo = FALSE-------------------------- # # only want to run tcplfit2 for test wells in this case # # this chunk doesn't run, fit the curves on the subset below # dat[wllt == 't',params:= myfun(.SD), by = .(spid)] ## ----example3_fitting_subset-------------------------------------------------- # create a subset that contains 6 samples and run curve fitting subdat <- dat[spid %in% unique(spid)[10:15],] subdat[wllt == 't',params:= myfun(.SD), by = .(spid)] ## ----example3_hitcalling, fig.height = 6, fig.width = 7----------------------- myfun2 <- function(y) { res <- tcplfit2::tcplhit2_core(params = y$params[[1]], conc = y$conc, resp = y$resp, cutoff = 3*bmad, onesd = onesd ) list(list(res)) } # continue with hitcalling res <- subdat[wllt == 't', myfun2(.SD), by = .(spid)] # pivot wider res_wide <- rbindlist(Map(cbind, spid = res$spid, res$V1)) ## ----echo=FALSE--------------------------------------------------------------- htmlTable::htmlTable(head(res_wide), align = 'l', align.header = 'l', rnames = FALSE , css.cell = ' padding-bottom: 5px; vertical-align:top; padding-right: 10px;min-width: 5em ') ## ----example3_plot, fig.height = 8, fig.width = 7----------------------------- # allocate a place-holder object plt_list <- NULL # plot results using `concRespPlot` for(i in 1:nrow(res_wide)){ plt_list[[i]] <- concRespPlot2(res_wide[i,]) } # compile and display winning model plots for concentration-response series grid.arrange(grobs=plt_list,ncol=2) ## ----example 4 lower, warning=FALSE------------------------------------------- # We'll use data from mc3 in this section data("mc3") # determine the background variation # background is defined per the assay. In this case we use logc <= -2 # However, background should be defined in a way that makes sense for your application temp <- mc3[mc3$logc<= -2,"resp"] bmad <- mad(temp) onesd <- sd(temp) cutoff <- 3*bmad # load example data spid <- unique(mc3$spid)[94] ex_df <- mc3[is.element(mc3$spid,spid),] # The data file has stored concentration in log10 form, fix it conc <- 10^ex_df$logc # back-transforming concentrations on log10 scale resp <- ex_df$resp # modify the data for demonstration purposes conc2 <- conc[conc>0.41] resp2 <- resp[which(conc>0.41)] # pull out all of the chemical identifiers and the name of the assay dtxsid <- ex_df[1,"dtxsid"] casrn <- ex_df[1,"casrn"] name <- ex_df[1,"name"] assay <- ex_df[1,"assay"] # create the row object row_low <- list(conc = conc2, resp = resp2, bmed = 0, cutoff = cutoff, onesd = onesd, assay=assay, dtxsid=dtxsid,casrn=casrn,name=name) # run the concentration-response modeling for a single sample res_low <- concRespCore(row_low,fitmodels = c("cnst", "hill", "gnls", "poly1", "poly2", "pow", "exp2", "exp3", "exp4", "exp5"), bidirectional=F) concRespPlot2(res_low, log_conc = T) + geom_rect(aes(xmin = log10(res_low[1, "bmdl"]), xmax = log10(res_low[1, "bmdu"]),ymin = 0,ymax = 30), alpha = 0.05,fill = "skyblue") + geom_segment(aes(x = log10(res_low[, "bmd"]), xend = log10(res_low[, "bmd"]), y = 0, yend = 30),col = "blue") ## ----example 4 lower-res------------------------------------------------------ # function results res_low['Min. Conc.'] <- min(conc2) res_low['Name'] <- name res_low[1, c("Min. Conc.", "bmd", "bmdl", "bmdu")] <- round(res_low[1, c("Min. Conc.", "bmd", "bmdl", "bmdu")], 3) ## ----example_4_table, echo=FALSE---------------------------------------------- DT::datatable(res_low[1, c("Name","Min. Conc.", "bmd", "bmdl", "bmdu")],rownames = FALSE) ## ----example 4 lower-demo----------------------------------------------------- # using the argument to set a lower bound for BMD res_low2 <- concRespCore(row_low,fitmodels = c("cnst", "hill", "gnls", "poly1", "poly2", "pow", "exp2", "exp3", "exp4", "exp5"), conthits = T, aicc = F, bidirectional=F, bmd_low_bnd = 0.8) ## ----example 4 new lower-res-------------------------------------------------- # print out the new results # include previous results side by side for comparison res_low2['Min. Conc.'] <- min(conc2) res_low2['Name'] <- paste(name, "after `bounding`", sep = "-") res_low['Name'] <- paste(name, "before `bounding`", sep = "-") res_low2[1, c("Min. Conc.", "bmd", "bmdl", "bmdu")] <- round(res_low2[1, c("Min. Conc.", "bmd", "bmdl", "bmdu")], 3) output_low <- rbind(res_low[1, c('Name', "Min. Conc.", "bmd", "bmdl", "bmdu")], res_low2[1, c('Name', "Min. Conc.", "bmd", "bmdl", "bmdu")]) ## ----example_4_lower_res_table, echo = FALSE---------------------------------- DT::datatable(output_low,rownames = FALSE) ## ----example 4 lower plot, class.source="scroll-100"-------------------------- # generate some concentration for the fitted curve logc_plot <- seq(from=-3,to=2,by=0.05) conc_plot <- 10**logc_plot # initiate the plot plot(conc2,resp2,xlab="conc (uM)",ylab="Response",xlim=c(0.001,100),ylim=c(-5,60), log="x",main=paste(name,"\n",assay),cex.main=0.9) # add vertical lines to mark the minimum concentration in the data and the lower threshold set by bmd_low_bnd abline(v=min(conc2), lty = 1, col = "brown", lwd = 2) abline(v=res_low2$bmd, lty = 2, col = "darkviolet", lwd = 2) # add markers for BMD and its boundaries before `bounding` lines(c(res_low$bmd,res_low$bmd),c(0,50),col="green",lwd=2) rect(xleft=res_low$bmdl,ybottom=0,xright=res_low$bmdu,ytop=50,col=rgb(0,1,0, alpha = .5), border = NA) points(res_low$bmd, 0, pch = "x", col = "green") # add markers for BMD and its boundaries after `bounding` lines(c(res_low2$bmd,res_low2$bmd),c(0,50),col="blue",lwd=2) rect(xleft=res_low2$bmdl,ybottom=0,xright=res_low2$bmdu,ytop=50,col=rgb(0,0,1, alpha = .5), border = NA) points(res_low2$bmd, 0, pch = "x", col = "blue") # add the fitted curve lines(conc_plot, exp4(ps = c(res_low$tp, res_low$ga), conc_plot)) legend(1e-3, 60, legend=c("Lowest Dose Tested", "Boundary", "BMD-before", "BMD-after"), col=c("brown", "darkviolet", "green", "blue"), lty=c(1,2,1,1)) ## ----example 5 upper---------------------------------------------------------- # load example data spid <- unique(mc3$spid)[26] ex_df <- mc3[is.element(mc3$spid,spid),] # The data file has stored concentration in log10 form, so fix that conc <- 10**ex_df$logc # back-transforming concentrations on log10 scale resp <- ex_df$resp # pull out all of the chemical identifiers and the name of the assay dtxsid <- ex_df[1,"dtxsid"] casrn <- ex_df[1,"casrn"] name <- ex_df[1,"name"] assay <- ex_df[1,"assay"] # create the row object row_up <- list(conc = conc, resp = resp, bmed = 0, cutoff = cutoff, onesd = onesd,assay=assay, dtxsid=dtxsid,casrn=casrn,name=name) # run the concentration-response modeling for a single sample res_up <- concRespCore(row_up,fitmodels = c("cnst", "hill", "gnls", "poly1", "poly2", "pow", "exp2", "exp3", "exp4", "exp5"), conthits = T, aicc = F, bidirectional=F) concRespPlot2(res_up, log_conc = T) ## ----example 5 upper-res------------------------------------------------------ # max conc res_up['Max Conc.'] <- max(conc) res_up['Name'] <- name res_up[1, c("Max Conc.", "bmd", "bmdl", "bmdu")] <- round(res_up[1, c("Max Conc.", "bmd", "bmdl", "bmdu")], 3) # function results ## ----example_5_table, echo = FALSE-------------------------------------------- DT::datatable(res_up[1, c('Name','Max Conc.', "bmd", "bmdl", "bmdu")],rownames = FALSE) ## ----example upper-demo------------------------------------------------------- # using bmd_up_bnd = 2 res_up2 <- concRespCore(row_up,fitmodels = c("cnst", "hill", "gnls", "poly1", "poly2", "pow", "exp2", "exp3", "exp4", "exp5"), conthits = T, aicc = F, bidirectional=F, bmd_up_bnd = 2) ## ----example upper-2---------------------------------------------------------- # print out the new results # include previous results side by side for comparison res_up2['Max Conc.'] <- max(conc) res_up2['Name'] <- paste(name, "after `bounding`", sep = "-") res_up['Name'] <- paste(name, "before `bounding`", sep = "-") res_up2[1, c("Max Conc.", "bmd", "bmdl", "bmdu")] <- round(res_up2[1, c("Max Conc.", "bmd", "bmdl", "bmdu")], 3) output_up <- rbind(res_up[1, c('Name', "Max Conc.", "bmd", "bmdl", "bmdu")], res_up2[1, c('Name', "Max Conc.", "bmd", "bmdl", "bmdu")]) ## ----example_upper_2_table, echo = FALSE-------------------------------------- DT::datatable(output_up,rownames = FALSE) ## ----example upper plot, class.source="scroll-100"---------------------------- # generate some concentration for the fitting curve logc_plot <- seq(from=-3,to=2,by=0.05) conc_plot <- 10**logc_plot # initiate plot plot(conc,resp,xlab="conc (uM)",ylab="Response",xlim=c(0.001,500),ylim=c(-5,40), log="x",main=paste(name,"\n",assay),cex.main=0.9) # add vertical lines to mark the maximum concentration in the data and the upper boundary set by bmd_up_bnd abline(v=max(conc), lty = 1, col = "brown", lwd=2) abline(v=160, lty = 2, col = "darkviolet", lwd=2) # add marker for BMD and its boundaries before `bounding` lines(c(res_up$bmd,res_up$bmd),c(0,50),col="green",lwd=2) rect(xleft=res_up$bmdl,ybottom=0,xright=res_up$bmdu,ytop=50,col=rgb(0,1,0, alpha = .5), border = NA) points(res_up$bmd, 0, pch = "x", col = "green") # add marker for BMD and its boundaries after `bounding` lines(c(res_up2$bmd,res_up2$bmd),c(0,50),col="blue",lwd=2) rect(xleft=res_up2$bmdl,ybottom=0,xright=res_up2$bmdu,ytop=50,col=rgb(0,0,1, alpha = .5), border = NA) points(res_up2$bmd, 0, pch = "x", col = "blue") # add the fitting curve lines(conc_plot, poly1(ps = c(res_up$a), conc_plot)) legend(1e-3, 40, legend=c("Maximum Dose Tested", "Boundary", "BMD-before", "BMD-after"), col=c("brown", "darkviolet", "green", "blue"), lty=c(1,2,1,1)) ## ----example with hit core---------------------------------------------------- # using the same data, fit curves param <- tcplfit2_core(conc2, resp2, cutoff = cutoff) hit_res <- tcplhit2_core(param, conc2, resp2, cutoff = cutoff, onesd = onesd, bmd_low_bnd = 0.8) ## ----res-hit core------------------------------------------------------------- # adding the result from tcplhit2_core to the output table for comparison hit_res["Name"]<- paste("Chlorothalonil", "tcplhit2_core", sep = "-") hit_res['Min. Conc.'] <- min(conc2) hit_res[1, c("Min. Conc.", "bmd", "bmdl", "bmdu")] <- round(hit_res[1, c("Min. Conc.", "bmd", "bmdl", "bmdu")], 3) output_low <- rbind(output_low, hit_res[1, c('Name', "Min. Conc.", "bmd", "bmdl", "bmdu")]) ## ----res-hit_table, echo = FALSE---------------------------------------------- DT::datatable(output_low,rownames = FALSE) ## ----example even lower bound------------------------------------------------- res_low3 <- concRespCore(row_low,fitmodels = c("cnst", "hill", "gnls", "poly1", "poly2", "pow", "exp2", "exp3", "exp4", "exp5"), conthits = T, aicc = F, bidirectional=F, bmd_low_bnd = 0.4) ## ----example even lower bound-res--------------------------------------------- # print out the new results # add to previous results for comparison res_low3['Min. Conc.'] <- min(conc2) res_low3['Name'] <- paste("Chlorothalonil", "after `bounding` (two fifths)", sep = "-") res_low3[1, c("Min. Conc.", "bmd", "bmdl", "bmdu")] <- round(res_low3[1, c("Min. Conc.", "bmd", "bmdl", "bmdu")], 3) output_low <- rbind(output_low[-3, ], res_low3[1, c('Name', "Min. Conc.", "bmd", "bmdl", "bmdu")]) ## ----lower_bound_res_table, echo = FALSE-------------------------------------- DT::datatable(output_low,rownames = FALSE) ## ----example even lower bound-plot, class.source="scroll-100"----------------- # initiate the plot plot(conc2,resp2,xlab="conc (uM)",ylab="Response",xlim=c(0.001,100),ylim=c(-5,60), log="x",main=paste(name,"\n",assay),cex.main=0.9) # add vertical lines to mark the minimum concentration in the data and the lower boundary set by bmd_low_bnd abline(v=min(conc2), lty = 1, col = "brown", lwd = 2) abline(v=0.4*min(conc2), lty = 2, col = "darkviolet", lwd = 2) # add markers for BMD and its boundaries before `bounding` lines(c(res_low$bmd,res_low$bmd),c(0,50),col="green",lwd=2) rect(xleft=res_low$bmdl,ybottom=0,xright=res_low$bmdu,ytop=50,col=rgb(0,1,0, alpha = .5), border = NA) points(res_low$bmd, 0, pch = "x", col = "green") # add markers for BMD and its boundaries after `bounding` lines(c(res_low3$bmd,res_low3$bmd),c(0,50),col="blue",lwd=2) rect(xleft=res_low3$bmdl,ybottom=0,xright=res_low3$bmdu,ytop=50,col=rgb(0,0,1, alpha = .5), border = NA) points(res_low3$bmd, 0, pch = "x", col = "blue") # add the fitted curve lines(conc_plot, exp4(ps = c(res_low$tp, res_low$ga), conc_plot)) legend(1e-3, 60, legend=c("Lowest Dose Tested", "Boundary Dose", "BMD-before", "BMD-after"), col=c("brown", "darkviolet", "green", "blue"), lty=c(1,2,1,1)) ## ----appendix plt1, fig.height = 6, fig.width = 7, warning = FALSE------------ # call additional R packages library(stringr) # string management package # read in the file data("signatures") # set up a 3 x 2 grid for the plots oldpar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE) on.exit(par(oldpar)) par(mfrow=c(3,2),mar=c(4,4,2,2)) # fit 6 observations in signatures for(i in 1:nrow(signatures)){ # set up input data row = list(conc=as.numeric(str_split(signatures[i,"conc"],"\\|")[[1]]), resp=as.numeric(str_split(signatures[i,"resp"],"\\|")[[1]]), bmed=0, cutoff=signatures[i,"cutoff"], onesd=signatures[i,"onesd"], name=signatures[i,"name"], assay=signatures[i,"signature"]) # run concentration-response modeling (1st plotting option) out = concRespCore(row,conthits=F,do.plot=T) if(i==1){ res <- out }else{ res <-,out) } } ## ----appendix plt2, fig.height = 8, fig.width = 7----------------------------- # set up a 3 x 2 grid for the plots oldpar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE) on.exit(par(oldpar)) par(mfrow=c(3,2),mar=c(4,4,2,2)) # plot results using `concRespPlot` for(i in 1:nrow(res)){ concRespPlot(res[i,],ymin=-1,ymax=1) } ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Load the example data set data("signatures") # using the first row of signatures data as an example signatures[1,] ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # using the first row of signature as an example conc <- as.numeric(str_split(signatures[1,"conc"],"\\|")[[1]]) resp <- as.numeric(str_split(signatures[1,"resp"],"\\|")[[1]]) cutoff <- signatures[1,"cutoff"] # run curve fitting output <- tcplfit2_core(conc, resp, cutoff) # show the structure of the output summary(output) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # get plots in normal and in log-10 concentration scale basic <- plot_allcurves(output, conc, resp) basic_log <- plot_allcurves(output, conc, resp, log_conc = T) grid.arrange(basic, basic_log) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # prepare the 'row' object for concRespCore row <- list(conc=conc, resp=resp, bmed=0, cutoff=cutoff, onesd=signatures[1,"onesd"], name=signatures[1,"name"], assay=signatures[1,"signature"]) # run concentration-response modeling out <- concRespCore(row,conthits=F) # show the output out ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # pass the output to the plotting function basic_plot <- concRespPlot2(out) basic_log <- concRespPlot2(out, log_conc = TRUE) res <- grid.arrange(basic_plot, basic_log) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Using the fitted result and plot from the example in the last section # get the cutoff from the output cutoff <- out[, "cutoff"] basic_plot + # Cutoff Band - a transparent rectangle geom_rect(aes(xmin = 0,xmax = 30,ymin = -cutoff,ymax = cutoff), alpha = 0.1,fill = "skyblue") + # Titles ggtitle( label = paste("Best Model Fit", out[, "name"], sep = "\n"), subtitle = paste("Assay Endpoint: ", out[, "assay"])) + ## Add BMD and BMR labels geom_hline( aes(yintercept = out[, "bmr"]), col = "blue") + geom_segment( aes(x = out[, "bmd"], xend = out[, "bmd"], y = -0.5, yend = out[, "bmr"]), col = "blue" ) + geom_point(aes(x = out[, "bmd"], y = out[, "bmr"], fill = "BMD"), shape = 21, cex = 2.5) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Get all potency estimates and the corresponding y value on the curve estimate_points <- out %>% select(bmd, acc, ac50, ac10, ac5) %>% tidyr::pivot_longer(everything(), names_to = "Potency Estimates") %>% mutate(`Potency Estimates` = toupper(`Potency Estimates`)) y <- c(out[, "bmr"], out[, "cutoff"], rep(out[, "top"], 3)) y <- y * c(1, 1, .5, .1, .05) estimate_points <- cbind(estimate_points, y = y) # add Potency Estimate Points and set colors basic_plot + geom_point( data = estimate_points, aes(x = value, y = y, fill = `Potency Estimates`), shape = 21, cex = 2.5 ) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # add Potency Estimate Points and set colors - with plot in log-10 concentration basic_log + geom_point( data = estimate_points, aes(x = log10(value), y = y, fill = `Potency Estimates`), shape = 21, cex = 2.5 ) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # maybe want to extract and use the same x's in the base plot # to calculate predicted responses conc_plot <- basic_plot[["layers"]][[2]][["data"]][["conc_plot"]] basic_plot + # fitted parameter values of another curve you want to add geom_line(data=data.frame(x=conc_plot, y=tcplfit2::exp5(c(0.5, 10, 1.2), conc_plot)), aes(x,y,color = "exp5"))+ # add different colors for comparisons scale_colour_manual(values=c("#CC6666", "#9999CC"), labels = c("Curve 1-exp4", "Curve 2-exp5")) + labs(title = "Curve 1 v.s. Curve 2") ## ----example 1---------------------------------------------------------------- # some example data conc <- list(.03, .1, .3, 1, 3, 10, 30, 100) resp <- list(0, .2, .1, .4, .7, .9, .6, 1.2) row <- list(conc = conc, resp = resp, bmed = 0, cutoff = 1, onesd = .5) # AUC is included in the output concRespCore(row, conthits = TRUE, AUC = TRUE) ## ----example 2, fig.height = 4.55, fig.width = 8------------------------------ # This is taken from the example under tcplfit2_core conc_ex2 <- c(.03, .1, .3, 1, 3, 10, 30, 100) resp_ex2 <- c(0, .1, 0, .2, .6, .9, 1.1, 1) # fit all available models in the package # show all fitted curves output_ex2 <- tcplfit2_core(conc_ex2, resp_ex2, .8) grid.arrange(plot_allcurves(output_ex2, conc_ex2, resp_ex2), plot_allcurves(output_ex2, conc_ex2, resp_ex2, log_conc = TRUE), ncol = 2) ## ----example 2 cont., fig.height = 6, fig.width = 6--------------------------- fit_method <- "hill" # extract the parameters modpars <- output_ex2[[fit_method]][output_ex2[[fit_method]]$pars] # plug into get_AUC function estimated_auc1 <- get_AUC(fit_method, min(conc_ex2), max(conc_ex2), modpars) estimated_auc1 # extract the predicted responses from the model pred_resp <- output_ex2[[fit_method]][["modl"]] # plot to see if the result make sense # the shaded area is what the function tries to find plot(conc_ex2, pred_resp) lines(conc_ex2, pred_resp) polygon(c(conc_ex2, max(conc_ex2)), c(pred_resp, min(pred_resp)), col=rgb(1, 0, 0,0.5)) ## ----example 2 other models--------------------------------------------------- # list of models fitmodels <- c("gnls", "poly1", "poly2", "pow", "exp2", "exp3", "exp4", "exp5") mylist <- list() for (model in fitmodels){ fit_method <- model # extract corresponding model parameters modpars <- output_ex2[[fit_method]][output_ex2[[fit_method]]$pars] # get AUC mylist[[fit_method]] <- get_AUC(fit_method, min(conc_ex2), max(conc_ex2), modpars) } # print AUC's for other models data.frame(mylist,row.names = "AUC") ## ----example 3, fig.height = 4.55, fig.width = 8------------------------------ # Taking the code from example 3 in the vignette library(stringr) # string management package data("signatures") # use row 5 in the data conc <- as.numeric(str_split(signatures[5,"conc"],"\\|")[[1]]) resp <- as.numeric(str_split(signatures[5,"resp"],"\\|")[[1]]) cutoff <- signatures[5,"cutoff"] # plot all models, this is an example of negative curves output_negative <- tcplfit2_core(conc, resp, cutoff) grid.arrange(plot_allcurves(output_negative, conc, resp), plot_allcurves(output_negative, conc, resp, log_conc = TRUE), ncol = 2) ## ----example 3 cont., fig.height = 6, fig.width = 6--------------------------- fit_method <- "exp3" # extract corresponding model parameters and predicted response modpars <- output_negative[[fit_method]][output_negative[[fit_method]]$pars] pred_resp <- output_negative[[fit_method]][["modl"]] estimated_auc2 <- get_AUC(fit_method, min(conc), max(conc), modpars) estimated_auc2 # plot this curve pred_resp <- pred_resp[order(conc)] plot(conc[order(conc)], pred_resp) lines(conc[order(conc)], pred_resp) polygon(c(conc[order(conc)], max(conc)), c(pred_resp, max(pred_resp)), col=rgb(1, 0, 0,0.5)) ## ----example 3 convert negative AUC------------------------------------------- get_AUC(fit_method, min(conc), max(conc), modpars, return.abs = TRUE) ## ----example 4, fig.height = 6, fig.width = 6--------------------------------- # simulate a poly2 curve conc_sim <- seq(0,3, length.out = 100) ## biphasic poly2 parameters b1 <- -1.3 b2 <- 0.7 ## converted to tcplfit2's poly2 parameters a <- b1^2/b2 b <- b1/b2 ## plot the curve resp_sim <- poly2(c(a, b, 0.1), conc_sim) plot(conc_sim, resp_sim, type = "l") abline(h = 0) ## ----example 4 cont.---------------------------------------------------------- # get AUC for the simulated Polynomial 2 curve get_AUC("poly2", min(conc_sim), max(conc_sim), ps = c(a, b)) ## ----example 5---------------------------------------------------------------- out <- tcplhit2_core(output_ex2, conc_ex2, resp_ex2, 0.8, onesd = 0.4) out post_hit_AUC(out) ## ----setup-2, warning=FALSE--------------------------------------------------- # prepare concentration data for demonstration ex_conc <- seq(0, 100, length.out = 500) ex2_conc <- seq(0, 3, length.out = 100) ## ----poly 1, fig.width=5, fig.height=5, warning=FALSE------------------------- poly1_plot <- ggplot(mapping=aes(ex_conc)) + geom_line(aes(y = 55*ex_conc, color = "a=55")) + geom_line(aes(y = 10*ex_conc, color = "a=10")) + geom_line(aes(y = 0.05*ex_conc, color = "a=0.05")) + geom_line(aes(y = -5*ex_conc, color = "a=(-5)")) + labs(x = "Concentration", y = "Response") + theme(legend.position = c(0.1,0.8)) + scale_color_manual(name='a values', breaks=c('a=(-5)', 'a=0.05', 'a=10', 'a=55'), values=c('a=(-5)'='black', 'a=0.05' = 'red', 'a=10'='blue', 'a=55'='darkviolet')) poly1_plot ## ----poly 2, fig.width=8, fig.height=5, warning=FALSE------------------------- fits_poly <- data.frame( # change a y1 = poly2(ps = c(a = 40, b = 2),x = ex_conc), y2 = poly2(ps = c(a = 6, b = 2),x = ex_conc), y3 = poly2(ps = c(a = 0.1, b = 2),x = ex_conc), y4 = poly2(ps = c(a = -2, b = 2),x = ex_conc), y5 = poly2(ps = c(a = -20, b = 2),x = ex_conc), # change b y6 = poly2(ps = c(a = 4,b = 1.8),x = ex_conc), y7 = poly2(ps = c(a = 4,b = 7),x = ex_conc), y8 = poly2(ps = c(a = 4,b = 16),x = ex_conc) ) # shows how changes in parameter 'a' affect the shape of the curve poly2_plot1 <- ggplot(fits_poly, aes(ex_conc)) + geom_line(aes(y = y1, color = "a=40")) + geom_line(aes(y = y2, color = "a=6")) + geom_line(aes(y = y3, color = "a=0.1")) + geom_line(aes(y = y4, color = "a=(-2)")) + geom_line(aes(y = y5, color = "a=(-20)")) + labs(x = "Concentration", y = "Response") + theme(legend.position = c(0.15,0.8)) + scale_color_manual(name='a values', breaks=c('a=(-20)', 'a=(-2)', 'a=0.1', 'a=6', 'a=40'), values=c('a=(-20)'='black', 'a=(-2)'='red', 'a=0.1'='blue', 'a=6'='darkviolet', 'a=40'='darkgoldenrod1')) # shows how changes in parameter 'b' affect the shape of the curve poly2_plot2 <- ggplot(fits_poly, aes(ex_conc)) + geom_line(aes(y = y6, color = "b=1.8")) + geom_line(aes(y = y7, color = "b=7")) + geom_line(aes(y = y8, color = "b=16")) + labs(x = "Concentration", y = "Response") + theme(legend.position = c(0.15,0.8)) + scale_color_manual(name='b values', breaks=c('b=1.8', 'b=7', 'b=16'), values=c('b=1.8'='black', 'b=7'='red', 'b=16'='blue')) grid.arrange(poly2_plot1, poly2_plot2, ncol = 2) ## ----pow, fig.width=8, fig.height=5, warning=FALSE---------------------------- fits_pow <- data.frame( # change a y1 = pow(ps = c(a = 0.48,p = 1.45),x = ex2_conc), y2 = pow(ps = c(a = 7.2,p = 1.45),x = ex2_conc), y3 = pow(ps = c(a = -3.2,p = 1.45),x = ex2_conc), # change p y4 = pow(ps = c(a = 1.2,p = 0.3),x = ex2_conc), y5 = pow(ps = c(a = 1.2,p = 1.6),x = ex2_conc), y6 = pow(ps = c(a = 1.2,p = 3.2),x = ex2_conc) ) # shows how changes in parameter 'a' affect the shape of the curve pow_plot1 <- ggplot(fits_pow, aes(ex2_conc)) + geom_line(aes(y = y1, color = "a=0.48")) + geom_line(aes(y = y2, color = "a=7.2")) + geom_line(aes(y = y3, color = "a=(-3.2)")) + labs(x = "Concentration", y = "Response") + theme(legend.position = c(0.15,0.8)) + scale_color_manual(name='a values', breaks=c('a=(-3.2)', 'a=0.48', 'a=7.2'), values=c('a=(-3.2)'='black', 'a=0.48'='red', 'a=7.2'='blue')) # shows how changes in parameter 'p' affect the shape of the curve pow_plot2 <- ggplot(fits_pow, aes(ex2_conc)) + geom_line(aes(y = y4, color = "p=0.3")) + geom_line(aes(y = y5, color = "p=1.6")) + geom_line(aes(y = y6, color = "p=3.2")) + labs(x = "Concentration", y = "Response") + theme(legend.position = c(0.15,0.8)) + scale_color_manual(name='p values', breaks=c('p=0.3', 'p=1.6', 'p=3.2'), values=c('p=0.3'='black', 'p=1.6'='red', 'p=3.2'='blue')) grid.arrange(pow_plot1, pow_plot2, ncol = 2) ## ----Hill, fig.height=5, fig.width=8, warning=FALSE--------------------------- fits_hill <- data.frame( # change tp y1 = hillfn(ps = c(tp = -200,ga = 5,p = 1.76), x = ex_conc), y2 = hillfn(ps = c(tp = 200,ga = 5,p = 1.76), x = ex_conc), y3 = hillfn(ps = c(tp = 850,ga = 5,p = 1.76), x = ex_conc), # change ga y4 = hillfn(ps = c(tp = 120,ga = 4,p = 1.76), x = ex_conc), y5 = hillfn(ps = c(tp = 120,ga = 12,p = 1.76), x = ex_conc), y6 = hillfn(ps = c(tp = 120,ga = 20,p = 1.76), x = ex_conc), # change p y7 = hillfn(ps = c(tp = 120,ga = 5,p = 0.5), x = ex_conc), y8 = hillfn(ps = c(tp = 120,ga = 5,p = 2), x = ex_conc), y9 = hillfn(ps = c(tp = 120,ga = 5,p = 5), x = ex_conc) ) # shows how changes in parameter 'tp' affect the shape of the curve hill_plot1 <- ggplot(fits_hill, aes(log10(ex_conc))) + geom_line(aes(y = y1, color = "tp=(-200)")) + geom_line(aes(y = y2, color = "tp=200")) + geom_line(aes(y = y3, color = "tp=850")) + labs(x = "Concentration in Log-10 Scale", y = "Response") + theme(legend.position = c(0.2,0.8), legend.key.size = unit(0.5, 'cm')) + scale_color_manual(name='tp values', breaks=c('tp=(-200)', 'tp=200', 'tp=850'), values=c('tp=(-200)'='black', 'tp=200'='red', 'tp=850'='blue')) # shows how changes in parameter 'ga' affect the shape of the curve hill_plot2 <- ggplot(fits_hill, aes(log10(ex_conc))) + geom_line(aes(y = y4, color = "ga=4")) + geom_line(aes(y = y5, color = "ga=12")) + geom_line(aes(y = y6, color = "ga=20")) + labs(x = "Concentration in Log-10 Scale", y = "Response") + theme(legend.position = c(0.8,0.25), legend.key.size = unit(0.4, 'cm')) + scale_color_manual(name='ga values', breaks=c('ga=4', 'ga=12', 'ga=20'), values=c('ga=4'='black', 'ga=12'='red', 'ga=20'='blue')) # shows how changes in parameter 'p' affect the shape of the curve hill_plot3 <- ggplot(fits_hill, aes(log10(ex_conc))) + geom_line(aes(y = y7, color = "p=0.5")) + geom_line(aes(y = y8, color = "p=2")) + geom_line(aes(y = y9, color = "p=5")) + labs(x = "Concentration in Log-10 Scale", y = "Response") + theme(legend.position = c(0.8,0.2), legend.key.size = unit(0.4, 'cm')) + scale_color_manual(name='p values', breaks=c('p=0.5', 'p=2', 'p=5'), values=c('p=0.5'='black', 'p=2'='red', 'p=5'='blue')) grid.arrange(hill_plot1, hill_plot2, hill_plot3, ncol = 2, nrow = 2) ## ----gnls, fig.width=8, fig.height=5, warning=FALSE--------------------------- fits_gnls <- data.frame( # change la y1 = gnls(ps = c(tp = 750,ga = 15,p = 1.45,la = 17,q = 1.34), x = ex_conc), y2 = gnls(ps = c(tp = 750,ga = 15,p = 1.45,la = 50,q = 1.34), x = ex_conc), y3 = gnls(ps = c(tp = 750,ga = 15,p = 1.45,la = 100,q = 1.34), x = ex_conc), # change q y4 = gnls(ps = c(tp = 750,ga = 15,p = 1.45,la = 20,q = 0.3), x = ex_conc), y5 = gnls(ps = c(tp = 750,ga = 15,p = 1.45,la = 20,q = 1.2), x = ex_conc), y6 = gnls(ps = c(tp = 750,ga = 15,p = 1.45,la = 20,q = 8), x = ex_conc) ) # shows how changes in parameter 'la' affect the shape of the curve gnls_plot1 <- ggplot(fits_gnls, aes(log10(ex_conc))) + geom_line(aes(y = y1, color = "la=17")) + geom_line(aes(y = y2, color = "la=50")) + geom_line(aes(y = y3, color = "la=100")) + labs(x = "Concentration in Log-10 Scale", y = "Response") + theme(legend.position = c(0.15,0.8)) + scale_color_manual(name='la values', breaks=c('la=17', 'la=50', 'la=100'), values=c('la=17'='black', 'la=50'='red', 'la=100'='blue')) # shows how changes in parameter 'q' affect the shape of the curve gnls_plot2 <- ggplot(fits_gnls, aes(log10(ex_conc))) + geom_line(aes(y = y4, color = "q=0.3")) + geom_line(aes(y = y5, color = "q=1.2")) + geom_line(aes(y = y6, color = "q=8")) + labs(x = "Concentration in Log-10 Scale", y = "Response") + theme(legend.position = c(0.15,0.8)) + scale_color_manual(name='q values', breaks=c('q=0.3', 'q=1.2', 'q=8'), values=c('q=0.3'='black', 'q=1.2'='red', 'q=8'='blue')) grid.arrange(gnls_plot1, gnls_plot2, ncol = 2) ## ----exp2, fig.width=8, fig.height=5, warning=FALSE--------------------------- fits_exp2 <- data.frame( # change a y1 = exp2(ps = c(a = 20,b = 12), x = ex2_conc), y2 = exp2(ps = c(a = 9,b = 12), x = ex2_conc), y3 = exp2(ps = c(a = 0.1,b = 12), x = ex2_conc), y4 = exp2(ps = c(a = -3,b = 12), x = ex2_conc), # change b y5 = exp2(ps = c(a = 0.45,b = 4), x = ex2_conc), y6 = exp2(ps = c(a = 0.45,b = 9), x = ex2_conc), y7 = exp2(ps = c(a = 0.45,b = 20), x = ex2_conc) ) # shows how changes in parameter 'a' affect the shape of the curve exp2_plot1 <- ggplot(fits_exp2, aes(ex2_conc)) + geom_line(aes(y = y1, color = "a=20")) + geom_line(aes(y = y2, color = "a=9")) + geom_line(aes(y = y3, color = "a=0.1")) + geom_line(aes(y = y4, color = "a=(-3)")) + labs(x = "Concentration", y = "Response") + theme(legend.position = c(0.15,0.8)) + scale_color_manual(name='a values', breaks=c('a=(-3)', 'a=0.1', 'a=9', 'a=20'), values=c('a=(-3)'='black', 'a=0.1'='red', 'a=9'='blue', 'a=20'='darkviolet')) # shows how changes in parameter 'b' affect the shape of the curve exp2_plot2 <- ggplot(fits_exp2, aes(ex2_conc)) + geom_line(aes(y = y5, color = "b=4")) + geom_line(aes(y = y6, color = "b=9")) + geom_line(aes(y = y7, color = "b=20")) + labs(x = "Concentration", y = "Response") + theme(legend.position = c(0.15,0.8)) + scale_color_manual(name='b values', breaks=c('b=4', 'b=9', 'b=20'), values=c('b=4'='black', 'b=9'='red', 'b=20'='blue')) grid.arrange(exp2_plot1, exp2_plot2, ncol = 2) ## ----exp3, fig.width=5, fig.height=5, warning=FALSE--------------------------- fits_exp3 <- data.frame( # change p y1 = exp3(ps = c(a = 1.67,b = 12.5,p = 0.3), x = ex2_conc), y2 = exp3(ps = c(a = 1.67,b = 12.5,p = 0.9), x = ex2_conc), y3 = exp3(ps = c(a = 1.67,b = 12.5,p = 1.2), x = ex2_conc) ) # shows how changes in parameter 'p' affect the shape of the curve exp3_plot <- ggplot(fits_exp3, aes(ex2_conc)) + geom_line(aes(y = y1, color = "p=0.3")) + geom_line(aes(y = y2, color = "p=0.9")) + geom_line(aes(y = y3, color = "p=1.2")) + labs(x = "Concentration", y = "Response") + theme(legend.position = c(0.15,0.8)) + scale_color_manual(name='p values', breaks=c('p=0.3', 'p=0.9', 'p=1.2'), values=c('p=0.3'='black', 'p=0.9'='red', 'p=1.2'='blue')) exp3_plot ## ----exp4, fig.width=8, fig.height=5, warning=FALSE--------------------------- fits_exp4 <- data.frame( # change tp y1 = exp4(ps = c(tp = 895,ga = 15),x = ex_conc), y2 = exp4(ps = c(tp = 200,ga = 15),x = ex_conc), y3 = exp4(ps = c(tp = -500,ga = 15),x = ex_conc), # change ga y4 = exp4(ps = c(tp = 500,ga = 0.4),x = ex_conc), y5 = exp4(ps = c(tp = 500,ga = 10),x = ex_conc), y6 = exp4(ps = c(tp = 500,ga = 20),x = ex_conc) ) # shows how changes in parameter 'tp' affect the shape of the curve exp4_plot1 <- ggplot(fits_exp4, aes(ex_conc)) + geom_line(aes(y = y1, color = "tp=895")) + geom_line(aes(y = y2, color = "tp=200")) + geom_line(aes(y = y3, color = "tp=(-500)")) + labs(x = "Concentration", y = "Response") + theme(legend.position = c(0.1,0.8)) + scale_color_manual(name='tp values', breaks=c('tp=(-500)', 'tp=200', 'tp=895'), values=c('tp=(-500)'='black', 'tp=200'='red', 'tp=895'='blue')) # shows how changes in parameter 'ga' affect the shape of the curve exp4_plot2 <- ggplot(fits_exp4, aes(ex_conc)) + geom_line(aes(y = y4, color = "ga=0.4")) + geom_line(aes(y = y5, color = "ga=10")) + geom_line(aes(y = y6, color = "ga=20")) + labs(x = "Concentration", y = "Response") + theme(legend.position = c(0.8,0.2)) + scale_color_manual(name='ga values', breaks=c('ga=0.4', 'ga=10', 'ga=20'), values=c('ga=0.4'='black', 'ga=10'='red', 'ga=20'='blue')) grid.arrange(exp4_plot1, exp4_plot2, ncol = 2) ## ----exp5, fig.width=5, fig.height=5, warning=FALSE--------------------------- fits_exp5 <- data.frame( # change p y1 = exp5(ps = c(tp = 793,ga = 6.25,p = 0.3), x = ex_conc), y2 = exp5(ps = c(tp = 793,ga = 6.25,p = 3.4), x = ex_conc), y3 = exp5(ps = c(tp = 793,ga = 6.25,p = 8), x = ex_conc) ) # shows how changes in parameter 'p' affect the shape of the curve exp5_plot <- ggplot(fits_exp5, aes(ex_conc)) + geom_line(aes(y = y1, color = "p=0.3")) + geom_line(aes(y = y2, color = "p=3.4")) + geom_line(aes(y = y3, color = "p=8")) + labs(x = "Concentration", y = "Response") + theme(legend.position = c(0.8,0.2)) + scale_color_manual(name='p values', breaks=c('p=0.3', 'p=3.4', 'p=8'), values=c('p=0.3'='black', 'p=3.4'='red', 'p=8'='blue')) exp5_plot ## ----appendix-table, echo=FALSE, warning=FALSE-------------------------------- # First column - tcplfit2 available models. Model <- c( "Constant", "Linear", "Quadratic","Power", "Hill", "Gain-Loss", "Exponential 2", "Exponential 3","Exponential 4", "Exponential 5" ) # Second column - model abbreviations used in invitrodb & tcplfit2. Abbreviation <- c( "cnst", "poly1", "poly2","pow", "hill", "gnls", "exp2", "exp3", "exp4", "exp5" ) # Third column - model equations. Equations <- c( "$f(x) = 0$", # constant "$f(x) = ax$", # linear "$f(x) = a(\\frac{x}{b}+(\\frac{x}{b})^{2})$", # quadratic "$f(x) = ax^p$", # power "$f(x) = \\frac{tp}{1 + (\\frac{ga}{x})^{p}}$", # hill "$f(x) = \\frac{tp}{(1 + (\\frac{ga}{x})^{p} )(1 + (\\frac{x}{la})^{q} )}$", # gain-loss "$f(x) = a*(exp(\\frac{x}{b}) - 1)$", # exp 2 "$f(x) = a*(exp((\\frac{x}{b})^{p}) - 1)$", # exp 3 "$f(x) = tp*(1-2^{\\frac{-x}{ga}})$", # exp 4 "$f(x) = tp*(1-2^{-(\\frac{x}{ga})^{p}})$" # exp 5 ) # Fourth column - model parameter descriptions. OutputParameters <- c( "", # constant "a (y-scale)", # linear, "a (y-scale)
b (x-scale)", # quadratic "a (y-scale)
p (power)", # power "tp (top)
ga (gain AC50)
p (gain-power)", # hill "tp (top)
ga (gain AC50)
p (gain power)
la (loss AC50)
q (loss power)", # gain-loss "a (y-scale)
b (x-scale)", # exp2 "a (y-scale)
b (x-scale)
p (power)", # exp3 "tp (top)
ga (AC50)", # exp4 "tp (top)
ga (AC50)
p (power)" # exp5 ) # Fifth column - additional model details. Details <- c( "Parameters always equals 'er'.", # constant "", # linear "", # quadratic "", # power "Concentrations are converted internally to log10 units and optimized with f(x) = tp/(1 + 10^(p*(gax))), then ga and ga_sd are converted back to regular units before returning.", # hill "Concentrations are converted internally to log10 units and optimized with f(x) = tp/[(1 + 10^(p*(gax)))(1 + 10^(q*(x-la)))], then ga, la, ga_sd, and la_sd are converted back to regular units before returning." , # gain-loss "", # exp2 "", # exp3 "", # exp4 "") # exp5 # Consolidate all columns into a table. output <- data.frame(Model, Abbreviation, Equations, OutputParameters, Details) # Export/print the table into an html rendered table. htmlTable(output, align = 'l', align.header = 'l', rnames = FALSE , css.cell = ' padding-bottom: 5px; vertical-align:top; padding-right: 10px;min-width: 5em ', caption="*tcplfit2* model details.", tfoot = "Model descriptions are pulled from tcplFit2 manual at ." )