PACKAGE NAME: easytag-1.1-i586-4vl58.tlz PACKAGE LOCATION: ./x-apps PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 392 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 1870 K PACKAGE MD5: 4fe7e2165ce605c3fa159e4e35f22341 ./x-apps/easytag-1.1-i586-4vl58.tlz PACKAGE REQUIRED: gtk+ >= 1.2,glib >= 1.2,x11 >= 6.8,zlib >= 1.2,gcc >= 3.3,id3lib >= 3.8,cxxlibs >= 5.0,gcc-g++ >= 3.3,flac >= 1.1,libvorbis >= 1.1,libogg >= 1.1 PACKAGE CONFLICTS: PACKAGE SUGGESTS: PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: easytag: easytag (Audio file tag editor) easytag: easytag: EasyTAG is an utility for viewing and editing tags for MP3, easytag: MP2, FLAC, Ogg Vorbis, MusePack and Monkey's Audio files. easytag: Its simple and nice GTK+ interface makes tagging easier under easytag: GNU/Linux. easytag: easytag: Website: easytag: License: GNU GPL easytag: Author: Jérôme Couderc