PACKAGE NAME: bootsplash-3.0.7-i586-1vl60.tlz PACKAGE LOCATION: ./bootsplash PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 1137 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 3100 K PACKAGE MD5: a2272b91eb40b85ebaeec0314463c50f ./bootsplash/bootsplash-3.0.7-i586-1vl60.tlz PACKAGE REQUIRED: PACKAGE CONFLICTS: PACKAGE SUGGESTS: PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: bootsplash: bootsplash bootsplash: bootsplash: Bootsplash is a suite of tools and a kernel patch for display full- bootsplash: screen images during the linux boot process. It also has the ability bootsplash: to play animations and/or display a progress bar. bootsplash: bootsplash: Please see the README files enclosed with this package for details bootsplash: and basic instructions on setting up bootsplash. bootsplash: bootsplash: bootsplash: