PACKAGE NAME: golly-2.4-i586-1vl71.txz PACKAGE LOCATION: ./xap/Game PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 2172 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 7550 K PACKAGE MD5: b9076a5725ade32fcaa037dc2421ecd5 ./xap/Game/golly-2.4-i586-1vl71.txz PACKAGE REQUIRED: SDL >= 1.2.15-i586-2vl71,atk >= 2.7.90-i586-1vl71,bzip2 >= 1.0.6-i686-1vl71,cairo >= 1.12.14-i586-2vl71,expat >= 2.1.0-i586-1vl71,fontconfig >= 2.10.93-i586-1vl71,freetype >= 2.5.5-i586-1vl71,gcc >= 4.7.2-i586-3vl71,gcc-g++ >= 4.7.2-i586-3vl71,gdk-pixbuf2 >= 2.29.0-i586-1vl71,glib2 >= 2.41.1-i586-1vl71,graphite2 >= 1.2.1-i586-1vl71,gtk+2 >= 2.24.13-i586-5vl71,harfbuzz >= 0.9.38-i586-1vl71,icu4c >= 4.7.1-i586-1vl71,libICE >= 1.0.9-i586-1vl71,libSM >= 1.2.2-i586-1vl71,libX11 >= 1.6.2-i586-1vl71,libXau >= 1.0.8-i586-1vl71,libXcomposite >= 0.4.4-i586-1vl71,libXcursor >= 1.1.14-i586-1vl71,libXdamage >= 1.1.4-i586-1vl71,libXdmcp >= 1.1.1-i586-1vl71,libXext >= 1.3.3-i586-1vl71,libXfixes >= 5.0.1-i586-1vl71,libXi >= 1.7.4-i586-1vl71,libXinerama >= 1.1.3-i586-1vl71,libXrandr >= 1.4.2-i586-1vl71,libXrender >= 0.9.8-i586-1vl71,libXxf86vm >= 1.1.3-i586-1vl71,libffi >= 3.0.11-i586-1vl71,libjpeg >= 8d-i586-1vl71,libpng >= 1.5.12-i586-1vl71,libtiff >= 4.0.3-i586-1vl71,libxcb >= 1.11-i586-1vl71,pango >= 1.34.1-i586-2vl71,pixman >= 0.28.2-i586-1vl71,util-linux >= 2.21.2-i586-5vl71,wxGTK >= | wxPython >=,xz >= 5.0.4-i586-1vl71,zlib >= 1.2.8-i586-1vl71 PACKAGE CONFLICTS: PACKAGE SUGGESTS: PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: golly: golly (Game of Life Simulator) golly: golly: Golly is an open source, cross-platform application for exploring Conway's golly: Game of Life and other cellular automata. Supports bounded and unbounded golly: universes, with cells up to 256 states; supports multiple algorithms, golly: including Bill Gosper's super fast hashlife algorithm. golly: golly: golly: License: GPL golly: Authors: golly: Website: