mkhybrid can be compiled on Win9X/NT4 using Cygnus' cygwin available from: To build, start a "bash" shell (open a DOS/Command window, cd to the required directory and type "bash"), and type "./configure" and "make" A pre-compiled current Win32 binary is available from: To use the pre-compiled binary, extract the files from the Zip archive, put the files cygwin1.dll, mount.exe and mkhybrid.exe in your WINDOWS directory and from a Command/MS-DOS window type mkhybrid for usage (also see mkhybrid_man.html). mkhybrid is a Unix command line utility and knows nothing about DOS/WIN. Therefore all directory names are given in Unix format (i.e. use '/' for a directory separator, not '\'). To access files on another disk (i.e. floppy, CDROM and network disk), you need to use the supplied "mount" command e.g. mount a: /a mount d: /cdrom i.e. files on the floppy disk are accessed as being in directory /a and files on the CDROM are accessed as /cdrom (assuming your CDROM is drive d:) e.g. the following command creates a CD image in the current directory using a source directories on the CDROM drive, a sub-directory and the floppy drive: mkhybrid -o hfs.iso -h -J -r /cdrom/subdir dir1 /a Please note: Starting with v1.12b5.0 the Win32 executable uses the b20.1 version of the cygwin DLL. If you are using an earlier version of mkhybrid, then you will need this DLL as well.