XmpSpinbox Widget

XmpSpinbox widget class -- an extenisble data selection widget
Version 1.5, last updated 28 February 1997

Charles S. Kerr (cskerr@geocities.com)

Source Code
(To download from Netscape, use the right mouse button to ``Save Link As...''.
You can also get spinbox1.5.tar.gz

The XmpSpinbox widget is available at no charge. For more information, read the license.

Public Header: Spinbox.h
Class Name: XmpSpinbox
Class Hierarchy: core -> composite -> constraint -> XmManager -> XmpGeometry -> XmpSpinbox
Class Pointer: xmpSpinboxWidgetClass
Instantiation: widget = XtCreateWidget ( name, xmpSpinboxWidgetClass, ... )
Functions/Macros: XmpCreateSpinbox(), XmpSpinboxGetValue(), XmpSpinboxSetValue(), XmpSpinboxGetReal(), XmpSpinboxSetReal()

A spinbox consists of two arrowbuttons and one textfield which are arranged in a number of different layouts as specified by XmNspinboxStyle. The textfield shows data specified by XmNvalue. The arrowbuttons can be used to scroll through the different values. The values can be represented in the textfield in a number of built-in formats as specified by XmNspinboxType: numbers, a 24-Hour clock, dollars, and text strings. The programmer can easily add custom formats as the need arises without hacking the widget. Actions are provided to allow increment/decrement while the textfield has focus.

New Resources
Spinbox defines the following resources:

Name Class Type Default Access
XmNarrowOrientation XmCArrowOrientation char XmVERTICAL CSG
XmNcolumns XmCColumns short 8 CSG
XmNspinboxCycle XmCSpinboxCycle Boolean False CSG
XmNspinboxStyle XmCSpinboxStyle char XmSPINBOX_STACKED_RIGHT CSG
XmNspinboxType XmCSpinboxType char XmSPINBOX_NUMBER CSG
XmNincrement XmCIncrement long 1 CSG
XmNincrementLarge XmCIncrementLarge long dynamic CSG
XmNmaximum XmCMaximum long dynamic CSG
XmNminimum XmCMinimum long dynamic CSG
XmNupdateText XmCupdateText Boolean False CSG
XmNuseClosestValue XmCuseClosestValue Boolean False CSG
XmNvalue XmCValue long 0 CSG

In addition, there are new resources that are specific to XmNspinboxType of

Determines whether the arrowbuttons will point vertically or horizontally. Possible values:

The number of character spaces that should fit horizontally in the textfield. The default is 8.

This specifies the increment by which the spinbox will update when the arrowbuttons are pressed or when the user uses the IncrementSmall() or DecrementSmall() actions. For example, if XmNvalue is 5 and the XmNincrement is 2, pressing the ``up'' arrowbutton will change XmNvalue to 7 and the ``down'' arrowbutton will change it to 3. The default increment is 1.

The value to increment or decrement the spinbox when user uses the IncrementLarge() or DecrementLarge() actions. The default value for XmNincrementLarge is as follows:

XmSPINBOX_NUMBER (XmNdecimalPoints>0)10 ^ XmNdecimalPoints
XmSPINBOX_NUMBER (XmNdecimalPoints==0)(XmNmaximum-XmNminimum)/10

The maximum/minimum value of the Spinbox. The default value is dependent upon the XmNspinboxType that has been set. The default values are as follows:


Every time XmNspinboxType is set, if XmNmaximum and XmNminimum are not explicitly set too, they are automatically set to the appropriate default. As a result, changing XmNspinboxType during runtime can cause the current value to suddenly be less than XmNminimum or greater than XmNmaximum. Because of this, it's a good idea to check the current value when changing the XmNspinboxType on the fly.

If this is False (default), the value set by XmNmaximum will be the highest that the user can select, and XmNminimum will be the lowest that the user can select. However, if XmNspinboxCycle is True, then when the user scrolls above XmNmaximum, the spinbox will cycle down to XmNminimum. Similarly, going below XmNminimum will cycle the spinbox up to XmNmaximum.

This defines the type of the spinbox. There are a handful of predefined types -- representations of numbers, a 24-hour clock, dollars, and strings. In addition, there is a well-defined method for the programmer to define his own types. Possible values:
XmSPINBOX_CLOCK_HM	/* Clock with Hours, Minutes */
XmSPINBOX_CLOCK_HMS	/* Clock with Hours, Minutes, and Seconds */
Since XmSPINBOX_USER_DEFINED allows the user more control over the spinbox, the XmNmaximum, XmNminimum, XmNincrementLarge, XmNgetValueProc, and XmNshowValueProc should be set explicitly when setting XmNspinboxType to XmSPINBOX_USER_DEFINED.

Spinbox style defines the positioning of the arrowbuttons with respect to the textfield. Possible values are:

XmSPINBOX_STACKEDstack { up, tf, down}
XmSPINBOX_STACKED_LEFTstack { up, down }, tf
XmSPINBOX_STACKED_RIGHTtf, stack { up, down }
XmSPINBOX_LEFTdown, up, tf
XmSPINBOX_RIGHTtf, down, up

This determines the conditions for calling the function specified by XmNgetValueProc. Setting it to True will call that function every time the user changes anything, similar to the Motif value changed callback; setting it to False (default) will call that function only when the user activates the textfield or when the textfield loses focus. This allows the user to type anything and then send it to XmNgetValueProc for approval, resulting in a friendlier interface and less overhead from calling XmNgetValueProc. This is similar to the way that XmtInputField handles user input.

When this is false (default), text entries that are less than XmNminimum or greater than XmNmaximum will be ignored. When it is true, XmNvalue will be set to XmNminimum or XmNmaximum, respectively. Some people reported that their users were confused that the spinbox would accept some text entry numbers but not others, so this helps give the customers a little feedback about what's happening.

This, the current value in the spinbox, must be between the values of XmNminimum and XmNmaximum.

Widget Hierarchy

When a spinbox is created with a specified name, the textfield child is named tf, the up arrowbutton is named up_ab, and the down arrowbutton is named down_ab.

The superclass of XmpSpinbox, XmpGeometry, is a free widget written by Alastair Gourlay. Mr. Gourlay has written an article in the X Resource issue #10 (ISBN 1-56592-067-8) about the XmpGeometry widget. The X Resource Archive at ftp.uu.net contains the original source code for the XmpGeometry widget ; however, since it is included with this widget it is not necessary unless you want to learn more about the XmpGeometry widget.

Callback Resources

Callback Reason Constant
XmNvalueChangedCallback XmCR_VALUE_CHANGED

Callback Structure

Each callback function is passed the following structure:

typedef struct
   int reason;
   const char *str;
   size_t str_len;
   int value;

Translations / Action Routines

Spinbox defines the following action routines:

Action Event Description
DecrementLarge() osfPageDown Decrements the Spinbox by XmNincrementLarge.
DecrementSmall() osfDown Decrements the Spinbox by XmNincrement.
IncrementLarge() osfPageUp Increments the Spinbox by XmNincrementLarge.
IncrementSmall() osfUp Increments the Spinbox by XmNincrement.